Kala seorang tercinta berkata, "Kubawakan kabar gembira"; terbit harap & bahagia. Bagaimana jika Allah berfirman, "Wa basysyiris Shabirin.. Dan berilah kabar gembira pada orang-orang yang sabar"?

Ketika seorang terkasih berkata, "Aku akan selalu bersamamu!"; tentram & teduh terasa. Bagaimana jika Allah berjanji; "InnaLlaha ma'ash Shabirin.. Sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar"?

Bila seorang yang 'sempurna' berbisik "Aku mencintaimu"; ah berjuta rasanya. Bagaimana jika Allah mengumumkan; "WaLlahu yuhibbush Shabirin.. Dan Allah mencintai orang-orang yang sabar"?

Saat seorang amat kaya berkata, "Ambillah sesukamu, balasanmu tak terbatas", betapa senangnya. Bagaimana jika Allah yang berkata, "Wa innama tuwaffash shaabiruuna ajrahum bighairi hisaab.. Dan sungguh akan disempurnakan pahala orang-orang yang sabar tanpa batas"?

Jika sahabat-sahabat mengelukan, "Selamat ya!"; betapa bangga penuh syukur. Bagaimana jika para Malaikat berseru, "Salamun 'alaikum bima shabartum.. Salam sejahtera atas kalian, sebab kalian telah bersabar"?

Salim A Fillah


As I gaze to the starry night sky, I am amaze. I was never tought I would see these kind of beauty anymore. I was in that pit once. The pit of powerlessness, hopelessness, and most of it, regrets.

You'll never know the starry sky when all you do is looking down. When you hit the rock bottom, when you are in the lowest point of life, then the only way left is up.

At first you'll think it was a dream. A nightmare. And you really do hope so. Easier that way. But in time, you'll realize, there is no waking up this nightmare. Because it's not a dream. It's very real. It's life.

It's really hard in the beginning. Your heart shattered, your self esteem destroyed, your faith might be broken. But you must endure.

Take all the time you need. It's never wrong to be sad; to complain; even to cry and regret things. And in that time, do not forget to have faith. Life is not all about easy, happy and enjoyable ride, but also a bumpy, unstable, harsh and hard ride. And it's real challenge is, how to face them both but still have faith. The faith that good things will come, only matter of time whether it's now or later, for those who believe and try.

You'll rise. You'll be better and far better. You'll need to prepare more, but you'll gain more. More than anyone.

Have faith. 
Those who pray would not be wasted. Those who try would not be disappointed.

"Call unto Me, [and] I shall respond to you!" QS: Al-Mukmin 60

Somewhere in the middle of Sumatra rainforest, 29th of March 2016. 

(pic from pinimg.com)